FXI’s New Temperature Regulation Factor System

    • May 19, 2014

      Home Furnishings Business & Bedroom Magazine features FXI's new Temperature Regulation Factor (TRF) system in a recent article. Highlighting the companies abilities and products such as Aerus, MemGel Swirl, Gel-Trix, MAXPERM, Aerus MAX, and MemGel MAX.

      "With airflow and breathability at the forefront of the discussion on foam products, the TRF system was created to communicate the combined benefits of airflow, heat and moisture dissipation and how those benefits increase within the system itself. Each step in the scale, from TRF 2.0, to 3.0 and 4.0, builds upon the one before it to create a unique and beneficial solution. This system works to help manufacturers and retailers understand more clearly the properties of foam so they can better convey the information to the consumer.

      The TRF system was created by the company’s team of technicians and professionals at its Research and Innovation Center and the full TRF product line-up offers a wide range of unique foam solutions at every level..."

      Link to article - Bedroom Magazine
      Link to article - Home Furnishings Business