Industrial Foam Solutions

  • In construction, appliances and heavy equipment. From raw materials to complex processes and safety, health and environmental applications. Increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving performance. In some of the most demanding industries, FXI innovations in industrial materials help the world work smarter.

    FXI Industrial Foam

      Modern industry makes tough demands on materials to meet specific requirements. Industrial materials have to perform, be cost-effective and often last a long time without maintenance and replacement.

      We are a leading supplier of polyurethane foam products and industrial materials to these very demanding industrial applications for an array of markets. These include building and construction, appliances and heavy-duty equipment, process industries and the field of safety, health and environment.


      Innovative approaches to the manufacture of ceramic foam filters have helped the aluminum industry continue thriving in an extremely competitive environment. Our filters clean the aluminum used for continuous sheet casting and other applications and effectively remove inclusions from aluminum melts. By carefully controlling cell seize distribution in our polyurethane foam product and precisely modifying the three-dimensional structure of the skeletal strands within it, we produce reticulated foam that provides perfect support for ceramic material and delivers the optimal performance required of industrial materials.