FXI Expanding Operations in Baldwyn, MS

    • August 17, 2015

      Jackson, Miss. (August 17, 2015) – Gov. Phil Bryant and officials from FXI announced today the company is expanding operations at its facility in Baldwyn, MS, in Prentiss County. FXI is a leading producer of polyurethane foams and this project represents a corporate investment of $707,000 and will create at least 60 jobs.

      FXI is growing its business by securing new key customers in the healthcare industry. The investment will add new automated equipment to accommodate the increase in production and create new jobs.

      Governor Phil Bryant (left) in attendance
      “Today is a great day for Prentiss County and North Mississippi as FXI grows its operations in Baldwyn and provides 60 individuals with new job opportunities,” Gov. Bryant said. “Our existing businesses are at the core of the state’s economy, and when they choose to expand, it shows the world great things are happening here and Mississippi is open for business. I wish FXI many more years of success in Baldwyn.”

      John Cowles, CEO of FXI said "We continue to pursue new customers with innovative solutions to grow our business and we are pleased that this growth allows us to re-invest in the community and provide additional jobs. The City, County and the State of Mississippi have been great partners and we look forward to our continued success."

      The Mississippi Development Authority provided assistance in support of the project for the expansion of the company’s storage and staging area. Prentiss County and the City of Baldwyn also provided assistance.

      “FXI is a great business partner to the state of Mississippi, and we are glad to assist the company as it expands its operations in Baldwyn and creates new career opportunities for the people of Prentiss County and the North Mississippi region,” said MDA Executive Director Glenn McCullough. “We appreciate the commitment of our economic development partners at the Prentiss County Development Association, city of Baldwyn and the Prentiss County Board of Supervisors which helped make this expansion possible.”

      Left to Right: Matt Murphy (Prentiss County Board of Supervisors), Marc Badalucco, Kevin Partlow, Governor Phil Bryant, David Minning, Craig, Representative Jerry Turner | Back Row (Left to Right) Senator J.P. Wilemon, Mayor Michael James, Nan Nanney

      To read the article on Mississippi Works, click here.