Support Surfaces

    • Support Surface Features:

      Heel slope: Alleviates pressure and reduces load in sensitive heel areas and lower legs

      Raised rail: Acts as built in side support and cushioning barrier to protect against entrapment, falls, and movements from seizures

      Articulation: Utilizes cuts or contours in the foam surface to provide pressure redistribution

      Notched Corners: Provides flexibility in the design and placement of foam in unique spaces

      Firm Perimeter: Provides additional support and security to patients prone to falling out of bed and becoming entrapped

      Custom Rails: Contour fabrication for any rail design to meet end use

      Custom Built Surfaces: Surface designed and built for any medical frame

      Air Bladder: Adjustable zones provide enhanced pressure redistribution and comfort using functional internal air and foam bladder systems

      Support Surface; Stretcher and Positioner Covers:

      Protective Covers: Protects foam mattress from heavy incontinence and penetration of bodily fluids and other contaminates

      High MVT (Moisture Vapor Transfer) covers: Combines vapor-permeable and liquid-impermeable capabilities to provide ideal microclimate for patient

      Nonskid: Backing application that ensures mattress is stationary when transferring the patient to and from bed

      Low Shear: Minimizes friction between an exterior and the patient’s skin

      Handles: Provides increased ease of use when affixing or removing surfaces or covers